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On the back of our collaborative success in Newcastle, we assisted our long-standing client Downing to create City Village, our first built development in Coventry.

Our material selection takes the site’s historic environment into consideration while providing the development with a high quality appearance and sense of identity that is visually robust to weathering elements. A unifying natural red brick and terracotta colour links lower buildings to those of mid scale height in the surrounding area. Taller elements that rises above the city are clad in a high gloss light blue glazed terracotta tile, hung vertically, which lightens their impact on their surroundings by reflecting the colours of the skyscape.

A grid pattern adds a visual link, texture and relief across the development’s blocks, animating each façade. A change in material pattern on the façades addressing Belgrade Square, Hill Street and the city gives the scheme direction.

Internally, the development accommodates 600 student residential bedrooms and studio rooms with ancillary facilities, and retail space. Residents can retreat to landscaped courtyards, glimpses of which are caught from the surrounding streets through gaps between the blocks.

Project information

  • Client


  • Status


  • Area

    19,242 sq m

  • Start

    April 2014

  • Completion

    August 2017

  • Consultants

    Contractor: George Downing Construction
    Structural Engineer: The Alan Johnston Partnership
    Building Services Engineer: WSP
    Landscape architect: Landscape Projects
    Fire Engineer: Omega Fire
    Interior Design: KKA Interiors

  • Elements

    600 student bedrooms
    1,180 sq m retail space
    Landscaped courtyards

  • Awards

    2018 Built in Quality Award: Best Partnership with a Local Authority Building Control Team

Core Team

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